29 January 2018

Finally, a license ‘P’.


So right now, aku tengah tunggu KTM nak balik rumah. Baru je lepas ulangan ujian JPJ jalan raya. Fuhhhh... dia punya lega tak payah cakap la. Penantian selama setahun demi sekeping lesen memandu. Terima kasih Tuan Faisal yang telah meluluskan saya. Walaupun Tuan segak dan suara sedap apabila menyanyi, nasib baik saya tak hilang fokus. Tapi iman saya bergoyang la sikit. Eh ? 😂

Teringin nak tulis perjalanan aku mengambil lesen dalam blog sebab ini merupakan pengalaman sekali seumur hidup. Aku ingat lagi aku pergi ke pejabat institusi memandu Nation Drive kat kawasan rumah aku dalam bulan 11/2016. Mula-mula ambil lesen kereta manual. Pergi la test komputer. Lulus dengan cemerlang tau, 50/50 😆. Dapat lesen dalam bulan 12. Lepas tu Cikgu Mat contact aku bagitahu dia akan mengajar aku. Lepas beberapa kelas kereta manual tapi aku masih tak pick up nak bawa kereta manual, aku tukar ambil lesen kereta auto. Bila aku buat keputusan nak ambil lesen auto, ramai jugak insan-insan yang perli  aku seperti ‘eleh, ambil auto ? Tak mencabarnya’. Tak pun kena gelak. Walaupun agak terasa sebenarnya, tapi terpaksa la buat bodoh dan amalkan sikap ‘pergi mampus’ sebab yang penting aku tahu setakat mana kemampuan aku dan aku yang bayar lesen kereta aku. Bukan mereka.

Dah tukar lesen L  auto, rezeki  lain datang pulak. Dalam bulan Februari 2017, aku dapat kerja. So bila dah start kerja, terpaksa tinggalkan kelas memandu sebab Cikgu Mat cuma boleh ajar waktu hari minggu sahaja. Ada la jugak bergaduh sikit dengan Cikgu Mat masa tu sebab sebelum dapat kerja, Cikgu Mat kata boleh buat kelas hujung minggu. Tapi lain pula ceritanya. Lepas 3 bulan kerja, aku buat keputusan nak berhenti kerja atas dua isu : 1. Nak habiskan kelas memandu, 2. Tak tahan dengan bos. Lepas aku berhenti kerja, baru la dapat mulakan balik kelas memandu. 

Baru je hadir beberapa kelas, rezeki lain pulak datang. Ayah Man & Cik Niah nak pergi haji dan mereka minta tolong jagakan  anak-anak mereka sebab tak ada siapa nak jaga. Kebetulan masa tu aku memang menyandang jawatan penganggur terhormat. Mula-mula aku menolak sebab aku fikir aku baru je mula balik kelas memandu aku. Tapi yelah, siapa je tak cair bila saudara-mara minta tolong sampai tahap merayu. So terpaksa skip kelas memandu lagi untuk sebulan lebih. 

Bila masuk bulan 10 2017, aku dah mulakan kerja sebagai locum dekat TMC dan sejak tu lah aku berpeluang untuk mulakan balik kelas memandu. Sehinggalah perancangannya nak ambil test JPJ hujung bulan 12. Tapi drag sebab ada macam-macam halangan pula. Sehinggalah 22 Januari 2018, aku mengambil ujian JPJ yang pertama. Aku lulus bahagian litar, tapi gagal bahagian jalan raya. Mungkin sebab masa tu aku rasa aku tak cukup latihan untuk jalan raya. Balik rumah kena bebel dengan mama. 

Dan akhirnya hari ini aku berjaya menamatkan perjuangan aku untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu. Walaupun dah beribu habis tapi tak apa lah. Alhamdulillah. Sekarang dah boleh fokus untuk cari kerja tetap. Cabaran hidup yang baru. 

Terima kasih mama baba untuk sokongan dari segi kewangan & nasihat. 
Terima kasih sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa menyokong & tak jemu bagi tips. 
Terima kasih Cikgu Mat yang banyak bersabar dengan aku walaupun aku selalu kena cubit.
Terima kasih Tuan/Puan JPJ yang dah luluskan / gagalkan aku. 

Another achievement unlocked. Slowly but surely. 

15 July 2017

Aku Sudah Tua

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila ku lihat kanak-kanak yang kukendong dahulu
Kini dara dan teruna.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila pipi adinda yang ku usap sayang dahulu
Kini berjerawat di sini sana.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila ku lihat wajah kedua ibu bapaku mula berkedut
Rambutnya pula semakin hari semakin bertukar warna.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila nenekku dan adik-beradiknya
Giginya semakin tiada.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila sahabat-sahabatku sudah berpunya.
Ada yang beranak dua.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila yakinnya aku terletak pada wajah
Perlu ada riasnya kerana ia telah dimamah usia.

Terasa seperti sudah tua.
Bila getarnya jiwa.
Kerana masih belum punya apa-apa.

23 May 2017

Tiga Puteri

12.16 am, 23/5/2017

For this entry, I'm going to talk about my last Sunday's activity: hiking. Actually it is not my first time hiking. Probably the third time... I don't even remember. Haha. But it feels like first time tho. Dah banyak kali sebenarnya plan nak panjat Tiga Puteri dengan Haziqah. But our time clashes every time. Finally, Haziqah dah panjat dulu dengan geng hiking dia and I'm still with my ambition to climb Tiga Puteri but cannot find time. Until last Friday, got a text from kak Ter. She said she wanted to climb Tiga Puteri on Saturday but due to some circumstances, we had to postponed our plan to Sunday. On Sunday at 8 o'clock in the morning, we went to Kota Damansara Community Forest accompanied by my brothers.

Basically, Tiga Puteri have five trails : Scout, Temuan, Sahabat, Denai Tiga Puteri & Unity.

Not too hard for the first four trails until we arrived at Unity trail. Dekat Unity, jalan dah banyak berbukit curam. But Alhamdulillah, boleh ditempuhi untuk amatur macam aku. A few things that I experienced / observed masa pergi hiking last Sunday which never happened during my previous hiking.

1. Bila jumpa hiker lain, they will greet us with 'hi', 'good morning' or 'assalamualaikum'.
2. Mostly yang hiking semalam adalah golongan tua yang pangkat atuk nenek aku. I was so amazed and impressed.
3. Just wondering, how a cyclist cycle in the woods ? They are so tough weh. Really leaves me in an awe.
4. Lost. One of my brother said the word 'Sesat' which that word is something like you cannot said when you are in the woods. And yeah, we lost for real after that. Luckily found our way back. Fuhhh.

Lastly, I want to share some tips for first timer or amateur hiker like me:-

1. Bring a stick.

I was planning to brought a stick but in the end...... hmmmm.....

2. Don't wear any make up (for girls).

Yeah, I put on some light make up yesterday because I don't want to look so pale. But in the end I wipe off my face because of sweat and rain.

3. Check the weather first before you hike.

Tak sangka semalam hujan. Bila dah nak sampai ke puncak tu la tetiba hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Tapi gagahkan jua diri nak naik sampai ke puncak w/pun masa tu ada rasa nak patah balik.

4. Take a heavy breakfast.

For real, I had my breakfast before I went for hike. But I never thought it is not sufficient. Almost fainted when I almost arrived the peak. Fortunately I brought some chocolate and gain my energy back after that.

5. Safety aids.

I almost fell as well. But then it made me think, maybe for next time, at least I should brought plaster, bandage and ointment.

For conclusion, what you need to bring in your backpack are (for a short distance hike):
- Water (at least 1 litre)
- Food (can be chocolate, bread or cereal)
- Safety aids (plaster, bandage and ointment)
- Towel / tissue
- Purse with money
- Stick

That's all from me. Bye.

14 May 2017

Happy Mother's Day


11.35am , 14/5/2017

Just finished gardening with my mama.

This morning I woke up to mama's nasi lemak. The best in my world. After breakfast, she went out to do some gardening. Must be inspired by her collegue after she saw her colleague posted photos on his FB  doing some gardening at his house yesterday. So I decided to lend a hand. To be honest I'm not into gardening or fond of cooking. But my mama always wants the best out of me. Sometimes I feel I am fail as a daughter.

Right now, mama keep complaining that her body is aching. Wish I could do something to reduce her pain. But she's the strongest. Nobody in the house cares about the plants like she did. Nobody in the house cares about giving the stray cats food like she did (Well, I do care sometimes 😆). Nobody in the house cares about the hungry neighbor like she did. She has a kind heart and the strongest too.

I know there are times she fed up with me, with my attitude and she practice the silent treatment sometimes. When she did that, I'll be like 'God, what I've done wrong this time?'. But then I'll ignore her (bad girl). As you grown up, you'll start to rebel over stuffs. Thinking I'm making her proud with my good academic achievements, but all she wanted is a daughter who can cook, can clean, do house chores, responsible, wake up early in the morning, devoted to Allah. Which I fail sometimes. But I'm still trying my best tho. Because I'm aware that I'm her only daughter and the only one she can rely on especially when at comes to house chores. My brothers are not that reliable. 😙

Right now, Mama starts making statements like 'kawan Mama semua dah dapat menantu.' 'Kawan mama ramai dah bercucu.' Calmly I replied, ''Mama, all your kids are still small kids (including me.)' Lol. Yeah, I'm still considering myself as 'small kid' cause I'm still not the daughter that my mama hopes for. Which mean, I'm not ready for any commitments even though I'm 24. Haha. (The truth is I have no one). 😆

Happy Mother's Day to my Mama and all wonderful mothers in this world. You guys are true heroes. Appreciate & love your mother when she still alive  ❤️

P/s : Browsing through my Mama's old photo yesterday and she was so skinny when she was my age. Then I look at myself. Why so big ???? I cry 😂

13 May 2017



2.42pm , 13/5/2017

It's been a week since the last time I went for a book hunting. Right now I'm struggling to finish Breathe. Basically the second book out of eight books that I bought during PBAKL 2017. To be honest I love to buy books but need to find time to read. I have plenty of books that I have not read. Basically the books that I bought using my book vouchers, gift from the government to students. Oh God, I miss being a student. Where I have vouchers so that I can 'buy' free books. And I have time to read as well. Not forget to mention, the book that my uncle gave me as a present cause I am his favourite niece. Lol.

Right now I'm struggling to finish all the books that I had bought and struggle to find time as well. While I'm reading Breathe, I have this one imagination which I hope I am at a coffee shop taking a sip of green tea latte and sit with a partner who also holding a book in his hand.  Don't you think it is wonderful to have a reading partner ? You can share your thoughts about the book you read and vice versa. Then you talk and laugh together over silly things ? Damn it. Too many day dreaming.

I am reminiscing the moment when I was at Aloft Hotel, listening to Mr. Jamal's speech.  (Damn it, I forgot his salutation. Was it Dato' or Tan Sri 🤔?). Obviously I'm too lazy to google right now. I remembered he said 'Read. Find time to read. Whatever books you want to read. Just read. Cause there must be something you will get when you read.' I feel so motivated at that moment and feels like I need to grab a book instantly.

But Allah has spoken in Quran in sural Al-'Alaq first word in first verse.... Iqra' = Read. Read so that you can know your God. Allahu. #donedakwah

In conclusion (typical ending for a high school essay), when you read, you obtain something. Emotions, knowledge, satisfaction, love. Just read. Find time to read. Make reading as your hobby and you won't feel lonely. You will feel alive (Just kidding). ❤️